If you have not had the privilege of seeing Lysa Terkeurst in person, you are missing out! Lysa founded Proverbs 31 Ministries, and God has blessed her with a definite ability to reach out, and touch, other women in His name.
I attended a conference last April in South Carolina, at which Lysa was one of the speakers. Her wit, her charm, and her obvious love for God and His people just seemed to pop out at me, and grabbed my attention. Well, not just mine, but the ladies I was with, and actually the entire audience! Once I heard her, and saw her, that was it. I have a couple of her books, and my friend is teaching her Made to Crave Bible Study right now.
She Speaks is a conference for women...women just like you and me. Lysa has found one more way to encourage women to step out in faith in order to take hold of and realize their dreams. It may be as an actual speaker, or a writer, or just to be a stronger and more adept Sunday school teacher. For me, I am a writer in my heart of hearts, and I also feel I have something to say to other women. And I need to learn the in's and out's of these two areas of ministry, because to me, that is exactly what they are...ministries waiting to happen for His glory.
My wish is to attend this conference. I wish to fellowship with other Christian women first and foremost. I love it! But I also want to hear what experts have to share with us, and learn how to hone my skills and just let God have His way in whatever I do. In life, not just in writing and speaking! After all, the main reason I want to excel at these things is because I feel His calling on my life. He has given me things to say, and I know He wants me to introduce His Son Jesus Christ to those who don't know Him, or who do not truly understand who He really is.
So, I would truly appreciate a scholarship to this conference. I am the one who never wins anything, unless it's bubble gum. I never play the lottery, never take a chance, and hardly ever step out of my comfort zone. But I feel like God has been preparing me for a very long time to do just that. And since I am ready to 'walk on water', I could use that helping hand that is being extended, through the She Speaks Conference.
Who knows? I might be able to learn how to promote the conference in the future through my blog! I know I'll talk about it because that is one of my favorite pastimes, talking. And once I have been the recipient of a gift so precious, then I am more than likely going to want to bless someone else with that same gift in years to come... over and over again.
God knows who we need, what we need, and when we need. In every aspect of our lives He knows. And He delivers when He is ready to do so. I feel the need now. I want and need to progress, to grow, to scale that mountain to my dream. He will deliver, one way or another. He is God.
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