Do you hate to wait? I do! I hate waiting in lines, on the phone, in traffic...even for special days or events to arrive. I simply hate to wait.
Yet the ability to wait is something that the LORD values in those of us who can do it gracefully. Unfortunately, that is NOT me!
I want it now. Doesn't matter what it is, where it is, or how it is. I am like a small child in this. I have no natural patience. I am already reaching for it before it is even in sight.
But, oh, my friend, I am learning! Old dogs and new tricks and all! For I have found that God's work is seen best when we show patience, and appreciate that His timing is always excellent. I have felt ashamed more than once when I tried to push God, just so I could 'hurry up and wait'! Because once He delivers that 'thing', no matter what it is, its always more perfect and right because of the special attention the LORD has given it.
I have also realized that God won't always give me what I am waiting for. He knows if it is something I need or not. He also may allow me to have it, though I may have to wait 30 years for it! Like that elusive Miata I've been asking for since forever. Which, by the way, I still don't have!
Our God is an on time God. Now and forevermore. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Forever and always, if we will but trust Him. He who promises will deliver.
He waits on me so very patiently. He doesn't moan or complain, he doesn't stomp His feet, He sure doesn't holler at me. So I guess I can step back, take a big breath, and say, 'Okay, Father, I too will wait. And I will put it all in your hands, accepting your time, your way, your will.'
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