Saturday, January 19, 2019


Today is Saturday. Yeah, like you, I have been waiting all week for this day. MY day!

Not always! Many of my Saturdays belong to other people, other purposes, other responsibilities. And truly, this Saturday, today, is not actually just for my enjoyment...there is still laundry, housework, dishes, get it, right? The things that we usually wait until Saturday to do, but when you are a busy person, you find yourself doing laundry at midnight on Tuesday night, or washing dishes before you go to work on Thursday morning.

But today is a mix. I had expected family from another state in yesterday, but due to weather concerns their trip was rescheduled for two weeks later. So while much preparation was done in some areas for my family's arrival, now that it's on hold I am finding other things that also need done. However...

When it's this kind of Saturday, an hour of extra sleep, plenty of hot coffee, and no place to be anytime soon, that is when I feel the peace that I lack most of the week. It's quiet, it's comfy, I feel cozy. But when I am fully awake and start to do this and that, that and that other thing over there, and don't forget to get to this thing later today too...I am still not rushing, not feeling pushed, not feeling uncomfortable in the least. I do the things that are needed while enjoying my coffee, my dogs, my hubs, my granddaughter. It is a perfect day, to just rest when I want to, play on my notebook when I want to, and again, drink my coffee when I want to! The 'things' will get done...but I will not be worn out, stressed, or unhappy with the result of my work. 

One of the reasons for all of God. He is the one who brings the real peace. And even though I spend time with Him every single day of the week, there is something extra special about these special Saturdays, which I really do believe He makes sure I get every once in a while. They are refreshing and pleasant. And time spent with Him on a day like today makes a whole lot of difference in my attitude, my treatment of others, in my...dare I say it again? My peace.

So I am praying that you are enjoying your Saturday as well. If you are not, find a way to pull something super wonderful into it, even if it is just a bowl of ice cream. You can start by thanking God that you are alive, and that you have a Saturday to enjoy, no matter how you spend it. Many people don't, so be joyful in it!


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