Saturday, January 30, 2010

Rosebuds of Faith Series: Speak, Lord...

We had a snow storm last night, and still into the
morning. We will have more off and on throughout
the day. It is beautiful to see and to watch as the flakes
float out of Heaven and into our lives, and as they
gather together as friends on our lawns.

As I have been watching this phenomenon (and it truly
is one, here in the south!), I am reminded of God's
glory. It is everywhere we look, if we will but open our
eyes to it. Recognition is sometimes difficult for us.
What may seem glorious to one is seen as a danger, or
a threat to another. I see the beautful whiteness laying
all around...someone else may see an obstacle to getting
on with things for the day. I see it as a chance to stay in
and have some respite. To take it easy, enjoy my home, to
catch up on tasks that need to be done; to take the time
to be with God.

I started today by reading Oswald Chambers. He was
focused on 1 Samuel, from the 3rd chapter. It was
about how Samuel was afraid to tell Eli the vision God
had given him. It was, after all, a condemnation of Eli,
for his unfaithfulness to be obedient to God's will. He
had allowed his sons to be unholy, to be defiled, and to
steal and plunder the storehouse of God.

But Samuel had heard the Lord's voice. At first he thought
it was Eli calling him, but eventually he heard 'the Voice'.
He knew who it was. And he was fearful of what he heard,
though he was obedient.

Do you hear God's voice? Do you even want to, or are you
fearful of what he may tell you as well? I think we all are,
but oh, what a wonderful voice He has! And with the hard
things come the sweet things. He loves us, and He loves
to tell us so. When He is hard, it is for our good; not for

Oswald said, 'Speak, Lord'. Oh, I want to say this too. And
even more, I want to hear His voice. I want to be one He
talks to, who He shares His thoughts with, and then one who
will do as He tells me to. I desire complete fellowship with
Him, and I wish to see and hear Him in the world around me.
I need to be able to discern His voice. And I can do that only
by reading His Word, by learning of Him, by literally becoming
closer to Him than I can even imagine. Then there will be no
doubt who is speaking to me. And I will have no reservation
about answering.

'Speak, Lord'.....and I will hear your voice. I pray you will ask
Him to speak to you as well. What an awesome God we serve.



  1. Great post Lil! And AMEN to that!

    (I didn't know you had a blog!!)

  2. I am so glad I found your blog!! I love hearing your thoughts of wisdom! You continually amaze me, my special friend!!

    LOVE you!
    Vickie White
