Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Where I Am, Where I Aim to Go, How You Can Help

When I started Ohiolilisview a couple of years ago, I had high aspirations. Yes, I thought, here is my ticket. This is my break. Now I'll get somewhere quick! Yup.

Didn't happen. Not like that. No way Jay! But I persevered and slowly started seeing, in my stats, that people really are reading my stuff. That gave me the encouragement to keep on keeping on. That, and the fact that God wouldn't let me give up.

I have found that there are people from all over the world reading this blog. The number of people is not astounding, but the places they live totally surprised me. While the largest number is from right here in the good old U.S. of A., including Alaska (neat! Sarah Palin, do you think?), there are some from Iran, Japan, Germany, Italy, England, Russia, Nigeria, Canada, South Korea, Ukraine, and China. Wow! And the really neat thing is there are several from each country! It is a privilege to share God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit with all of you. Some of you don't have the freedom we do here to worship and gather together. So I thank you for allowing me to share with you.

I am equally amazed at the different search engines being used. The usual ones like Internet Explorer, and Firefox, but many more that I have never heard of. Some folks use PC's and other computer types, and some are using Iphones and Blackberry's. Now that is super cool.

I am amazed, and quite appreciative, that Blogger does such a great job of gathering the stat information. It just positively captivates me!

I have created another blog on Wordpress, Angelwingdevotionals. That one is newer, but is beginning to pick up an audience as well. I write for a Christian e-magazine too, EveryDayChristian.com. And now I have two articles scheduled for publication in TruthMedia Devotionals, an online Christian women's site, both in August. I now have a Facebook Page, Lili Richey Willard, Christian Author, Devotional Writer. Each day, well ALMOST each day, I post a little article, devotional, or brief Word of the Day, which also appears on Twitter. And...last but not least, I write on Faithwriters.com, which is a totally awesome website for Christian writers.

So I have made progress. However, I want to be able to publish a devotional one day. I might write a work of fiction. Who knows? But I need your help to do this.

So if you are one of the many who have been reading this blog, please take the time to sign up to 'follow' me, and by all means, take a couple of extra minutes to give me a comment once in awhile, or a 'like' or something, for goodness sake! If I don't know what you like and don't like about my writing, then neither of us is happy.

Most of all I wish to glorify God. So please let me know if anything you have read on this website has been of value to you, if it has been a help on your walk with the Lord. Because I wish to honor Him, I am ready to invite you to make suggestions on topics you would like me to write about. I may have personally 'survived' an issue you are dealing with, or know someone who has. Or you may inspire me to spread my wings and write about something totally foreign to me! Either way, God will receive the glory and honor through it all.

The point is, I know you are visiting me! I would like to hear from my audience, and get to know you. You can help me while I am trying to help you. Please share my articles with others, and I would so appreciate you recommending this blog, and my other blogs, to your friends and family.

God has been very good to me and mine. He is my ultimate inspiration. He puts thoughts and words on my mind, and enables my clumsy fingers to type at a furious pace to get those thoughts and words in print. If I can't find the time to write, I become very frustrated, and feel like I'm caged. So you can see, this is my passion, and I need to write of what God has done in my life, and in the lives of others.

I appreciate each and every one of you. I hope you will understand this post and realize my aim is to please God first, and you right after that!


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