I can remember as a little girl how I loved Jesus. Yes, I really, really did love Him. He was my idol. I thought He was all that.
Now that I am much older, I know I love Him still, and even more than I could ever have imagined. The thing is, I haven't always walked with Him. Yes, it's true. There have been the times in my life when I was anything but obedient to the One I had given my life, and allegience, to. I allowed life, my friends, and the great big wide world to interfere in my very personal relationship with my God.
Rebellion. That word was big on my list at times. First it was my parents, then my teachers, and even well-meaning friends. I knew best, they knew nothing. Funny how age and experience change how you view things, isn't it? Not laughing funny, but funny funny. You know what I mean. It's serious stuff. And we should always treat it that way.
Older, wiser, and more aware is what I am these days. I can look back and honestly tell you that even in those times when I was walking in the other direction, I always knew God was with me. When I lived for the things I wanted to do, for the things I wanted, for the lifestyle I thought was 'cool', I can remember even talking to Him. Did He hear me? Did He listen to me? Because I was indeed saved, I believe He did. Because, you see, He wanted me back.
John 10:27-30: 'My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand. My Father, which gave them Me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of My Father's hand.'
Once His, forever His. It's a promise. Straight from Jesus, Who is also God, directly to you. And to me. How awesome is that?
So, I have come to understand the importance of obedience. To my parents, to my employer, to anyone who is in authority over me, including my spouse, unless that obedience means going against God's Word. The ultimate obedience is to Jesus, who has done more than enough for me. If He never does one more thing for me, He has already done it all. For this I pledge my obedience to my last breath.
Think about it! Can ya do it? Really? Can you disregard your friends or co-workers when they make fun of you for it? Are you able to smile in spite of any persecution you experience, because you 'did the right thing'? Will you persevere, reaching for the goal, to obtain that good and perfect end, the race well run, the ultimate reward, even when it has become the difficult thing?
Jesus is worth it. He is all that there is that is of true importance. He created us for His enjoyment, not because He NEEDED us. He WANTED us. That's a whole different thing, that is. We exist for His pleasure.
So if we really want to please His heart, to bless Him, what better way than to show Him our obedience, which is truly our pure love for Him. Try it! I think ya CAN do it!
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