In today's very volatile backdrop of the Gay vs Christian issue, this film, produced by Noble Brothers Productions, hits the nail on the head in a subtly distinct way. Written by John-William Noble, this issue is handled with sensitivity and honesty, with the emphasis on doing the 'right thing', with Jesus as the focus of action.
Young Maurice faces a crisis of belief as he struggles with his personal thorn, being gay. His dilemma stems from knowing in his own heart that, although society has embraced homosexuality, making it acceptable in all venues, what God says in His Word is true, despite man's attempt to sugar coat it. He recognizes that culture has introduced the thought that we can change what Jesus has taught about homosexuality to match the lifestyle we want to experience. He also points out that many of today's churches believe the same. And his heartbreak comes from the lack of strength in Christians, of not standing up for what is right and good, but in allowing sin to override what God has intended.
Maurice confides in Natasha, a good friend who has feelings for him, and who does not understand why he keeps himself closed off in many ways. But Maurice eventually confides in her, revealing his struggle, and the fact that he carries guilt for the death of the young man he was in love with. This young man, Callum, did not understand or accept Maurice's aversion to following through with his sexual feelings for him, and in retaliation slept with another. Maurice just happened to walk in on the scene, witnessing what to him was an evil act, sex outside of marriage.
Callum goes to Maurice, and they have an altercation, at which point Maurice strikes Callum on the face. Callum believes that homosexuality is ok, that churches embrace it, so why shouldn't they? Maurice again takes a stand, pointing out that this is not what God wants for men and women, and that just because he may want to enjoy their relationship does not mean he can, as a Christian. And that he won't compromise.
Callum, in his desperation, takes his life right there in front of Maurice, which brings not only more heartbreak, but adds to his struggles to do and feel what is right.
This film is refreshing in the way it handles the issue of being gay and also being a Christian. The acceptance of being gay does not override the fact and the belief that those who are experiencing this situation need to identify first with Christ, and then stand on the Word of God in discovering ways to live with it.
Maurice reveals to Natasha that he has a plan, for helping others like him, and he may need to leave home to pursue that plan. While she does not want him to go, she supports him in his efforts.
The backbone of this film is not just about is about standing on God's Word, believing it and putting it before our own personal wants and desires. To do the right thing no matter how difficult it may be, and to allow God to use us for His purposes, however He chooses to use us.
This film has a very nice flow, moving along quickly, and captures youth in all their excitement and zest for life and relationships. The characters are like people we all know and love, and the storyline is clear and concise, expressive and gripping. The emotions it stirs are varied, and once you begin watching, you will definitely watch all the way through. I believe it also displays a very different way of viewing those who are gay. Not all of them are pleased to be gay, and not all of them wish to live like that. This film explores the possibilities of using this 'difference' for the good of the Kingdom.
I highly recommend 'Inner Joy of a Broken Heart' for believers, and non-believers alike, who may have these struggles, or wish to be of help to those who do. This film, I believe, is of value to all Christians, and helps to reinforce 'the right thing to do'.
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