Today is Monday. It has been Monday all day long. Go figure.
It's not that I have a problem with Mondays. It's not that I don't like them. I certainly don't dread them. Mondays can be very good things.
Mondays can signify a new beginning. You show up at work, and look at it with refreshed, more imaginative eyes. Or if you are working at home, you may look at that pile of weekend laundry as something to dispose of quickly, immediately, right now, which is a very good thing indeed!
Mondays can also be getting back together with your co-workers and friends, or with your coffee clatches, or with people at your child's school. Whatever you may do during your week, which you do not do on the weekend, is new again come Monday. New chances, new adventures, new escapes.
OK, there's a brief synopsis of the good things about Mondays. Now let's look at the other side of that coin.
Monday can signal having to go back into the politics, stress, busyness that we appreciate escaping from on the weekend. Again, if you are home, it may mean that you have an empty nest (great reason to get a dog!). Or it may signify meetings, appointments, commitments we make to others to do what needs to be done in any situation, for anybody important to us, or not. We may worry about paying the bills, making dinner, making sure the hubby and the kids have clean clothes for the week. We may also worry about phone calls from bill collectors, or mail that brings bad news. We may just wish it was Friday. The latter part of Friday.
Now, today was not a 'terrible' Monday for me. We were to get an ice storm, again, last night, which would mean fighting the steps just to get out of my house. That didn't happen. And work was great, lots of smiles and a good feeling in the office. My only issue was that there is construction going on one floor below my office, and it sounded like a jackhammer right in my face! A bit of a headache, but I made it through...somehow! Of course, I have to also think about the positive outcome the construction will make for our company. OK, so a jackhammer can be a good thing!
When I reflect on these differing things about Mondays, I also must reflect on the one thing that may make a difference in how we feel about them. Monday is one day, and it is still the day the Lord has made. It may be Wednesday, but it still feels like Monday, good or bad. He has made it all the same. And if it is something the Lord has made, then it just has to be a good thing.
So stop, think about what the day means to you, to your family, your friends. Think about how fortunate we are to have this day. And every day. We get a chance to start over, to be refreshed, to have that second chance we all need every once in a while (some more than most!), and to make a difference for the Kingdom. See Monday through new eyes, eyes that have seen the glory of the LORD!
'This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.'
Psalm 118:24
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